Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

The end most part of the spine is the sacrum. A SI (sacroiliac) joint is a junction at which place the pelvis, and the hipbone come in close proximity. The SI joint forms dimples on your lower back. This joint helps in walking, jumping, running, etc., and lots of stress is taken by it. Soft tissues help in keeping these bones together. Tendons, ligaments, and muscles form the soft tissues.


  • Degenerative arthritis (Damage in the SI joint cartilage or degeneration) or osteoarthritis
  • Pregnancy (hormonal changes, extra weight, and laxity of the ligament – because the human body is preparing for childbirth)
  • Wrong walking pattern
  • Lower limb deformities like limb length
  • Pain or any problem in the hip, knee, ankle, and foot can also alter the walking pattern and causes SI joint pain
  • Diseases like – gout, rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis
  • Any injury or trauma


  • Pain in the lower back near the dimples of the back
  • Pain at the back of the hips
  • Pain aggravates on standing and walking
  • Lower back stiffness
  • Sometimes, burning sensation in the lower back
  • People also experience discomfort or locking of the SI joint (a sensation that the joint is not in its place)


  • Physical examination
  • Injections into the SI joint
  • X-ray performed to check bony problems
  • MRI and CT scan are also prescribed if required


    • Rest: rest improves the condition
    • Heat and ice therapy is also helpful in reducing symptoms
    • Medications like pain killers are helpful
    • Physiotherapy: exercises to strengthen the back muscles, some manipulation therapy is also helpful
    • Back support and braces will also help
    • Injections into the SI joints
    • If conservative treatment will not help and there is no relief in symptoms then surgery can be required and commonly joint fusion surgery is performed
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