Patellar Tendinitis

The patella is connected to the tibia by the patellar tendon. Patellar tendon collaborates with the front thigh muscles and helps in extension of the knee, kicking, or jumping activities.

When this patellar tendon gets injured or inflamed is known as patellar tendonitis. This is also called jumper’s knee. This condition is very common in athletes or sportspersons who perform repetitive jumping activities like a basketball player. People who are not doing jumping sports can also get patellar tendinitis.


  • Injury due to overuse of the patellar tendon
  • Persistent stress on the patellar tendon
  • Direct trauma or injury to the patellar tendon

Small tears build-up due to persistent stress on the patellar tendon and as time bides, these tears multiply and inflammation develops. This causes patellar tendon to weaken.


  • Pain on the kneecap or just below the kneecap
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling and burning sensation
  • Pain in kneeling position
  • Pain in standing up from a squatting position
  • Stair climbing is also painful


  • Physical examination by the doctor
  • X-ray to check the bony problem
  • Ultrasound to check the patellar tendon tears
  • MRI to reveal the soft tissue changes



  • Medications: Painkillers like ibuprofen.
  • Physiotherapy: Exercises will help a lot in reducing pain and symptoms. Strengthening exercises for thigh muscles. Stretching exercises help in reducing muscle spasms.
  • Use a brace or tendon strap to split the weight.
  • Corticosteroid injections for pain relief
  • PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injection – to promote faster healing.
  • Oscillating needle procedure: A novel technique in which an oscillating needle is inserted under the ultrasound guidance near the damaged tendon. This procedure is healthy tendon-sparing and only removes the damaged tendon.

Surgery :

  • In rare cases, when non-surgical treatment does not work then surgical management is required such as surgical debridement of the patellar tendon.
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