Low Back Pain

The commonest reason for people consulting a physician or taking a leave of absence from work is the pain in the lower back. It is the leading cause of disability. 80% of the people experience repeated low back pain, once they have it.

Low back pain is a common condition only some people face some severe cause behind the low back pain. In acute low back pain, it resolves within 2-6 weeks, there are rare cases who have serious low back problems.

In short, this is a very common problem and can be treatable with some cure and lifestyle changes, you just need to be aware of the causes, and you can control it easily.


  • Pain in the lower back
  • Pain can be shooting, achy, or stabbing
  • Diffuse pain on the low back
  • Pain can radiate in the thighs or legs
  • Pain can aggravate in walking or standing, lifting weight, forward bending, and twisting


  • Muscular strain or sprain
  • Weakness of muscles of the back
  • Tightness of hamstring muscles
  • Spinal cord herniation or bulging
  • Osteoarthritis of spine ( spine OA)
  • Squeezing of sciatic nerve or sciatica
  • Spinal stenosis (narrowing of spinal canal due to osteoarthritis or any other reason)
  • Spondylolisthesis (Vertebral slip)
  • Osteoporosis of the vertebrae
  • Scoliosis (Curving of the spine sidewards)
  • Lordosis (Excessive lumbar back curvature)
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Cauda equina syndrome
  • Cancer
  • Infection

Risk factors:

  • Age: Chances are more in people who are over 30 or 40 years of age.
  • Less activity or less exercises can also a risk because it causes muscle weakness
  • Obesity: Additional weight exerts extra pressure on the back
  • Some other disease like osteoarthritis or cancer an also lead to low back pain
  • Weight lifting in a wrong manner
  • Psychological conditions and smoking may also cause low back pain


  • Physical examination by your doctor, will also ask for history or any injury or weight lifting
  • X-ray is used for checking the bony injury and vertebral alignment
  • MRI performed to check the compression of spinal cord and disc herniation
  • Sometimes blood investigations are also required to check any kind of infection
  • A bone scan may be prescribed
  • Electromyography and nerve conduction velocity test may be prescribed
  • Conservative
    • Medication: to reduce pain, muscle relaxers, and anti-inflammatory
    • Physiotherapy exercises to improve muscle strength and reduce the pain
    • Electrical modalities like short wave diathermy, IFT, and hot fermentation are useful for pain reduction
    • Massage also helps in reducing the pain

  • Surgery:In cases where all the conservative measures are failed (severe condition) and the reason behind the knee pain is serious like disk herniation, Slip disc, Spinal fracture, a loss of bladder or bowel control, and loss of sensation in the legs along with motor loss.
    • Discectomy: To release stress from the pinched nerve root due to disc herniation or spurring of bone
    • Foraminotomy: To open the foramen
    • IDET (Intradiscal electrothermal therapy): In this procedure, a needle insertion into disc using a catheter, this heats up the disc and increases the thickness of disc wall, and also cut down the internal bulging
    • Nucleoplasty: performed to remove the nucleus (inner disc material)
    • Spinal fusion
    • Spinal laminectomy or the spine decompression for increasing the spinal space
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